Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Last week was a week of ups and downs.

Lillie has done well and even got the chance on Friday to come to my school for a tea party. She loved being there and had a great time.

Dad,however, did not get the news from his doctors we had hoped. He is too weak to have surgery at this time, so they will be reevaluating his situation at the end of October. The doctors also shared that the PET scan showed additional "hot spots" in other areas of his body. Though it is possible that these could be caused by things other than cancer, there is also a possibility that the cancer spread to other areas. We are praying for healing and strength for my dad so that he can tackle the next step in this battle for good health.

Thank you to everyone who has included our family in their thoughts and prayers. We appreciate your support and love!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Nai Nai and Babop

These pictures are from about a week ago. Lillie and Nai Nai were playing with her Potato Head. Nai Nai is doing well...still sore but is making a good recovery.
Babop has had a harder week. I think 5 weeks of radiation and the second 96 hour chemo drip took their toll. He spent some time in the hospital at the end of the week to try and re-hydrate him and get his nausea under control. He is home now, but still not feeling very good. We are hopeful that this will improve this week as each day takes him farther from the last treatment he received. He has lots of tests this week so hopefully we will know what the next step will be soon.
Thank you to everyone who continues to include my parents in their prayers. Blessings to you all.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

View through the Rear View Mirror!

Lillie definately has her own sense of style! Here are a few of the recent looks....
The hat, scarves and mittens were from today....and no, we didn't have a freak cold snap!

Best Buddies

Visiting with the Ewbanks

My friend Lourrae was in town recently and Lillie and I went to visit with she and her parents. Lillie loved being able to run around outside the house, and was especially interested in the pond. She and Lourrae went to check out the bullfrogs...the picture is her listening for them. It was nice to visit with such a dear friend. Lourrae is a cancer survivor and has been for many years. She, in turn, has been a support for others dealing with the disease...and we have been no exception. We mett 25 years ago at church camp and she has been a dear friend every since....She is a true blessing.

Kentucky Horse Park

A couple of weeks ago, we had the chance to join some friends at the Horse Park. The day was hot, but the kids still seemed to have a great time. For Lillie, It was a great time to get to see her friends... Wyatt, Ava, Sophie, Izzy and baby Jenna. I love watching her with children her own age, and love the relationships she is building with these special children!

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