Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Nai Nai

Yesterday was my mom's birthday! Lillie sang "Happy Birthday" to her several times and they went on a shopping trip... Lillie got several new things. (Something odd about that statement!) It has been so nice to watch Lillie and her Nai Nai fall in love with one another. It is a love affair that started a long time ago for mom...and a little over 7 months ago for Lillie. I thank God that mom traveled with me to China and for all of the love, attention and time she has given Lillie. Here are some of my favorite Lillie and Nai Nai pictures....

These are from our first week together in China and are some of my very favorite!

Nai Nai introducing Lillie to Tazzy the dog!

During the August Moon Festival...

Christmas at mom and dad's house

Christmas Morning...I know it isn't a great quality picture, but I love how Lillie is snuggled down in mom's arms looking at the pictures.

I can't wait to see the pictures we will take in the next year of Lillie and her Nai Nai...Happy Birthday Mom! We love you!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another one of Lillie's Favorite People!

Ms. Emmi is Lillie's speech pathologist and a dear friend. She comes once a week, but Lillie talks about her every day. Since Ms. Emmi comes in the evenings after school, she often will tell Lillie when she leaves that she has to go home to have dinner with Jeff, her husband. Now, Lillie mentions every day, " Ms. Emmi go bye-bye. Home, eat, Jeff! " She loves her time with Ms. Emmi!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Lillie's Fortune

Lillie and I had Chinese food the other night and she, of course, was quick to eat her fortune cookie. Her fortune was..."Happier days are definately ahead for you, struggle has ended."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Field Trip

Lillie enjoyed joining my class for our field trip to "The Great Wall" Chinese restaurant. The kids love seeing Lillie and she likes getting to know the children in the class. It was fun and she was definately the best eater in the group!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Motherbridge of Love

For Chinese New Year I bought Lillie a new book. It is an Illustrated version of the poem below. It was written anonymously for the charity Mother Bridge of Love. Mother Bridge of Love, a charity that reaches out to Chinese children all over the world in order to develop a connection between China and the West, and between adoptive culture and birth culture receives the royalties from the book. I love the poem and the if I could just read it without crying!

Once there were two women
Who never knew each other.
One you do not know.
The other you call mother.
Two different lives
Shaped to make you one.
One became your guiding star;
The other became your sun.
The first one gave you life;
The second taught you to live it.
The first gave you a need for love;
The second was there to give it.
One gave you a body,
The other taught you games.
One gave you a talent.
The other taught you aims.
One gave you emotions;
The other calmed your fears.
One saw your first sweet smile;
The other dried your tears.
One found a home for you
That she could not provide.
The other prayed for a child;
Her hope was not denied.
And now you ask, of course you do,
The question others ask me too:
This place or your birthplace –
Which are you a daughter of?
Both of them, my darling –
And two different kinds of love.

Xin Xin is with her Family

The beautiful little girl standing in front of my Lillie is Fu Bao Xin. You may remember her from pictures with Lillie...they are in several together during Lillie's time at the SWI. I fell in love with Xin and have been praying that she find a family( several of you may remember my mentioning her...I even emailed a few families about her). I am excited to say that as of Sunday, she is now with her forever family! God is good!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well, with Chinese New Year being a time for family, and Valentine's being a time for telling people how much love them, it seems only fitting that I talk about how much Lillie has changed my life. She is beautiful, funny, sassy, tiring, creative, and busy! She loves the color pink, enjoys singing and music, loves to dance and jump and run, and could out eat a grown man if I let her. I know that people often will say that she is so lucky...but I am the lucky one! I love you like crazy cakes, Lillie!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Chinese New Year

Last Sunday, Lillie and I celebrated Chinese New Year with Nai Nai, Bopbop and several other families in the central Kentucky area. We went to see dancers at the Childrens Theater from Heilongjiang College of Performing Arts in Harbin, China. The performance was great and Lillie liked their costumes! Afterward, we went to dinner with a few other families from the Families with Children from China group. It was geat to get to know some of the families better and I look forward to the next opportunity!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hero Worship

This is a picture my mom took of Lillie and my cousin Miller at Christmas this past year. Miller just turned 15, plays the guitar, enjoys computer games, Guitar Hero... all things typical teenager. However, he and Lillie have the most amazing relationship...she adores him! She mentions Miller daily (along with his sister Caroline) and lights up every time we see him. It has been so special watching her develop these special relationships with the people who have loved her long before she ever met them. I think this picture tells it all. Love is an amazing thing!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Valentine's Day Performance!

Who is that Masked Girl?

Today Lillie decided to give a special concert for her Nai Nai and Uncle Erik! Nai Nai got to play the drums...and take a few pictures. Lillie has even set up framed pictures in front of she and mom to be their audience... what a hoot! I think this is only the beginning of Lillie's time on stage.

Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snow Days

We've spent lots of times in our "jammies" the last two days! We have had snow days, so mommy has been home from school - a special treat for us both! Especially since everyone has been sick lately and school has been a hotbed of flu, colds and strep!

Snow day fashion at it's finest! Purple flowered sweater, pink brown and orange striped pants, pink shiny shoes (one sock on and one off) and her hat!

This is on of our favorite things to do lately. She will say, "Mommy, Lillie" and that means draw mommy and Lillie. (2 year olds are fine with stick people) Then she will name others to draw... often my cousins, Ashie, Miller, Caroline, Depp, Meg...etc. The other day she even wanted cousins pet monkey, Jasper. ('Sper, as Lillie calls him!)

Lillie Loves Hats!

Here is another of Lillie's hats she loves to wear. I love that she wears them inside and out!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Year of the Rat! We are in the middle of the Chinese New Year celebration which started on Feb. 7th. I have pictures from some of our celebrations that I will post soon!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lillie's First Home!

I thought I would take a quick minute to share a bit more about Lillie's first home. I have been trying to find more information about the new building and found an article by the adoption organization La Vida. The New Fuling Social Welfare Center is being funded by the City of Fuling, and the Chongqing municipal government and private donors like La Vida and FulingKIds. I was surprised to find out that it is expected to be the first specialized rehabilitation center and medical clinic for handicapped children in all of China.
There are currently 14 social welfare institutions located in Chonqing province. All of these institutions provide adoption services to its children and the vast majority of those adoptions are of healthy children. However, like most institutions throughout China, nearly all of the children with special needs remain residents of their social welfare institutions with much less of an opportunity for rehabilitation, special care, or the chance to be adopted into a family of their own. Upon completion of the new Fuling Social Welfare Institution, all children with special medical needs residing in the 14 social welfare institutes in Chongqing municipality will be moved to live in the new Fuling Social Welfare Institute. The new Fuling SWI will be a facility for both healthy children and children with special medical needs.
The City of Fuling has donated over 16 acres of land upon which a 450,000 square foot facility is being constructed. Primary funding for the building has been donated by the Central Chinese government and the government of Chongqing. The new social welfare institute will include a rehabilitation and health care center for children, a preschool, and sleeping and play rooms for up to 800 children of all ages and abilities. Half of this 16 and 1/2-acre plot of land is to be devoted to parks and play places for the children.
La Vida also shared that one of the reasons they are involved in the project is the excellent care that children have received for years in the current First Fuling Social Welfare Institute under the direction of Director, Yang Peishu. Director Peishu is educated, experienced, innovative and very well respected in China. She has been voted "One of the ten most outstanding woman in China" due to her innovative care of children and advocacy for women’s rights. She has provided outstanding leadership to her staff, and has taken the level of care of children at the current facility to new heights. It is for this reason that she has been selected to spearhead this innovative, first of its kind project in China.
As a mommy of a waiting child, a preschool teacher and a huge proponant for early intervention, I was so excited to learn all of these things about the place Lillie will always know as her first home!
There is a video of the new SWI in process, a visit to the existing SWI and some info from the guy from La Vida. It was pretty interesting...if you want to check it out go to:

Monday, February 11, 2008

Christmas in January

We were unable to get with my cousins Nathan and Adam and their families during the holidays. Nathan, his Wife and two girls were in a few weeks ago from Indiana, so we all got together at my aunt's house! Adam, his wife, son and daughter were also there. It was soooo nice to see everyone! Lillie got her gift from cousins Clare, Ellie and their parents... a Hannah 'Tana guitar and cowboy hat, complete with rinestones that Janice added! Lillie loved her gifts (as you can see from the pictures) and seeing her cousins!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

A visit from Aunt Cristy

A few weeks ago, Lillie and I had a visit from Aunt Cristy! She brought Lillie a new skirt along with a hat, gloves and scarf set. Lillie lives the hat and wants to wear it all the time! I think she likes to pretend the ties are her hair.

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Weather in China

I have had people ask me about how the weather in China is effecting Lillie's first home. Snow, unseasonably cold temeratures, etc. are wreaking havoc on the country and are effecting orphanages at different levels. Presently, Director Yang has let us know that they have heat in all of the baby rooms so they are doing okay. People in town are not doing as well...many are freezing since they have no heat in their homes. Hats, coats and gloves are an all the time thing!
Other orphanages are not doing as well.Some are without heat and clean water, several are in desperate need of blankets, and all are in need of prayers. There are ways to contribute money to help in these situations. One is through Half the Sky. The link is:
http://www.halfthes littlemouse. php
Please keep all of these little ones in your thoughts and prayers!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Beautiful Waiting Children

I just wanted to take a moment to tell everyone about the beauty of adopting from a "Waiting Child" list. I know that there are waiting children all over the world...China, Uganda, Ethiopia, Korea, Vietnam.... the list goes on and on. Each child on the list has a different reason for being considered a "special" needs adoption. Maybe it is that they are an older child, maybe they have a cleft lip or palate, maybe they are a limb different child... all are a gift. There are varying degrees of need and each child is their own special little person but each needs a family. All this is to say, there are some waiting children on the list at the agency I used to adopt Lillie. They are still waiting to find their family. (the link is at the side- A Helping Hand- then click on special delivery) They are not the only list, just one of many. If you know a family, or are a family that is looking for your child, be sure to check them out!
Lilypie Date is set Ticker