We've spent lots of times in our "jammies" the last two days! We have had snow days, so mommy has been home from school - a special treat for us both! Especially since everyone has been sick lately and school has been a hotbed of flu, colds and strep!
Snow day fashion at it's finest! Purple flowered sweater, pink brown and orange striped pants, pink shiny shoes (one sock on and one off) and her hat!
This is on of our favorite things to do lately. She will say, "Mommy, Lillie" and that means draw mommy and Lillie. (2 year olds are fine with stick people) Then she will name others to draw... often my cousins, Ashie, Miller, Caroline, Depp, Meg...etc. The other day she even wanted cousins pet monkey, Jasper. ('Sper, as Lillie calls him!)
We have those same leggings, but Claire hasn't put that exact same outfit together yet! I think Lillie may be a trend setter. I bet you are loving the snow days. I am hoping all the kids get well soon as Connor has come down with a stomach virus twice in the last 3weeks. Luckily no one else has gotten it. Maybe the snow days will help with that. It was so good to meet you, your parents and Lillie on Sunday. We look forward to the next FCC event.
We've discovered snow days too!! In my 22 years of teaching, only one snow day was called!!! This year, since I'm off, and the weather has been BRUTAL, we've had half a dozen!! Sunshine lives for snow days!!
dd Sunshine 6y9m Viet Nam
dd Brilliance 20 months Fuling China
I think someone is related to Clarissa!!!! I love her choice to let her colors shine! Go Lillie. Weren't the snow days glorious! I stayed in my jammies too and I did not leave the house onece.
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