Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Our first "real" snow!

Oddly enough, it waited until March to give us our first "big" snow. We got between 3 or 4 inches, and Lillie had a great time checking it all out today~

I think I will see what this stuff tastes like!

Walking in circles...

What a fun day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snow Days

We've spent lots of times in our "jammies" the last two days! We have had snow days, so mommy has been home from school - a special treat for us both! Especially since everyone has been sick lately and school has been a hotbed of flu, colds and strep!

Snow day fashion at it's finest! Purple flowered sweater, pink brown and orange striped pants, pink shiny shoes (one sock on and one off) and her hat!

This is on of our favorite things to do lately. She will say, "Mommy, Lillie" and that means draw mommy and Lillie. (2 year olds are fine with stick people) Then she will name others to draw... often my cousins, Ashie, Miller, Caroline, Depp, Meg...etc. The other day she even wanted cousins pet monkey, Jasper. ('Sper, as Lillie calls him!)

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Weather in China

I have had people ask me about how the weather in China is effecting Lillie's first home. Snow, unseasonably cold temeratures, etc. are wreaking havoc on the country and are effecting orphanages at different levels. Presently, Director Yang has let us know that they have heat in all of the baby rooms so they are doing okay. People in town are not doing as well...many are freezing since they have no heat in their homes. Hats, coats and gloves are an all the time thing!
Other orphanages are not doing as well.Some are without heat and clean water, several are in desperate need of blankets, and all are in need of prayers. There are ways to contribute money to help in these situations. One is through Half the Sky. The link is:
http://www.halfthes littlemouse. php
Please keep all of these little ones in your thoughts and prayers!
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