Tuesday, October 16, 2007

First Hugs Fundraiser

First Hugs is a sponsored program by a group of Fuling Parents at the SWI where Lillie spent her first 2 years. They fundraiser in the US and send over OT's and PT's to train the nannies how to work with the babies who are behind developmentally. They send over OT and PT equipment plus they pay for nannies to work with the same kids for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. Lillie was in the program when she was younger.
The Fuling Parents are presently raising money for another year of First Hugs. If you're feeling like you want a great program to donate to, you can always donate to this wonderful program. Go to www.fulingkids.org to make a donation...or to just check out the great group and beautiful children!
There is a link to tell you more about the First Hugs program and Gracie's room where it takes place. The program got started by Gracie's parents, a Fulinger who sadly passed away once home in the US. Her mom thought this was an awesome way to honour her daughter...wouldn't you agree?

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