Saturday, November 01, 2008

Lillie's "Gama" and "Gampa"

Lillie and I, as many of you know, spend most evenings at my parent's house. She is aware that mom and dad have been/are sick. She has even said a few times, "My gama's sick and my gampa's sick too." (I remind her that her gama is feeling better now) She loves them both very much and we pray for them every night.
Mom is doing well and has recovered from her surgery. She has had some follow-up appointments and all seems well. Dads has not been as easy..his PET scans showed that his cancer has spread and we have new battles to fight. Last Friday, we found out that one of the places the cancer has shown up is in his head, so on Tuesday, dad started radiation for a brain lesion. He will have 15 treatments and then we will talk to the doctors about what comes next. He continues to face the challenges with a strength and an attitude that is amazingly positive. We continue to pray for healing and for strength for him and his amazing team of doctors. Your prayers are also reqested and welcome as we enter a new phase in this journey towards getting dad back to good health.


day by day said...

Oh, Andrea! Such sweet pictures! I am sooo sorry to hear about your Dad...praying for healing for him. Glad to hear your mom is doing better! My heart just goes out to your family right now. Hang in there!

Mrs. Jessie said...

I am thinking of you and your family.

Snickerdoodle said...

One of the most difficult things is being an adult child and watching your parents age. It's so hard! We want them around for EVER!

Will say a prayer for your sorry to hear that it's back.

Stay strong!

Snick, Sunshine and Brill

MIchael D said...

Andrea -- Sorry to hear about your parent's health problems. I think of you often and look forward to the day when you and Lillie will be campers.

Peace . . . Michael D

Anonymous said...

Dear Andrea, Lillie, "Gama" and "Gampa", I just thought I'd check for pictures and here they are----everybody except Mommy Andrea. (Somebody has to hold the camera - nuts!)
It's wonderful to see the people who are so dear to me. I'm praying and I know God is listening to all of us. Love to you all.

Keisha said...

Praying for your Dad, Andrea & your Mom!
Hope your having a Wonderful Day!!!!

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