Saturday, August 04, 2007

Our visit with Dr. Taylor

Well, we survived our first "Post Adption" Dr.'s Appointment. We say Dr. Taylor, who specializes in international adoption and she and her staff were wonderful. It seems I have, as I imagined, quite a big girl. She weighs around 28 pounds and is 37 inches tall. By China's growth standards she is 95 percentile in weight and 97 percentile in height. By US standards she is 50 percentile in weight and90 in height...tall no matter what country. Other things seems to be good... we did a lot of blood work (she was a trouper!) and we are waiting for the results. Her TB test was good so no problems there. I am so thankful that Lillie did so well and that the appointment went well...especially considering that in order to do all they need to do and then get blood drawn, we were there for 3+ hours. Thanks to everyone who has asked how things went.


Anonymous said...

Lillie came to the right family, if she's going to be such a TALL girl!! =)
Glad she did well with her appointment, I know that is NOT FUN!

can't wait for y'all to get down here for a visit, I hope you can come while she remembers us...

Depp has still been talking about Lillie, and told us last night that it was FUN to play with her =)

Love you both!

Anonymous said...

Such good news! Evidently you have all recovered from your stressful and joyful trip home. I am so happy for you. God bless you both!.....Roberta

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to hear that you survived your first doctor's appointment - difficult even under the best of circumstances. I guess Shana and I will continue on as the short people in the family. I was counting on Lillie to bump me up a notch! Oh, well. Caroline has a doctor's appointment on Monday, so I will tell her she has to be as brave as Lillie!

Hope to see you soon - we miss you both already!

Love, Meg

Tishy said...

I am glad that went as well as could be expected. I thought by looking at the pictures of her next to Avah and Wyatt she seemed tall for her age. She IS in the right family! In more ways than one. Hope you guys are settling in and I can't wait to meet her. I know she must just feel overwhelmed with all of these new people and everybody wanting to talk to her in this strange language. I'm surprised she lets go of you at all! I'm so glad you are going to Dr. Taylor. She will be such a good resource for you and will relate to you both as a doctor and a mother who has gone through similar experiences.

Lilypie Date is set Ticker