Sunday, June 01, 2008

Taking Time to Love and Enjoy

Lately, I have had a hard time just being mommy. I mean, it is the time of year (end of school) when everything is being finalized for this year and we are thinking about the next. It is the time of year that I am sleep deprived and so I am not as patient as I wish I was with my daughter. It is the time of year when the sun is up later so it is EVEN HARDER to get Lillie to bed.
There has also been a lot of pain around.... I have been so distracted by the Earthquake in China and the devistation left behind. Erik's friend Emory had open heart surgery...and is doing well, but still has a lot of healing to do. My dad fell and broke his collar bone last week and is also in the process of healing. Lillie worries about Babop and "Ne" (what she calls Emory) and that they are sad because of their " big boo boos" as she calls them.
Finally, I have been thinking about Steven Curtis Chapman and his family. His daughter Maria, his youngest and adopted from China, died tragically last week. In an even more painful turn of events, she was hit by a car driven by her teenage brother. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they are in, or the healing that will need to occur.

Below is a song he wrote and the story behind it. It is called Cinderella and is about not taking little moments for granted.
I am going to try even harder to remember that the most important thing is Lillie and to take time to laugh at the little things... knowing that she is a blessing, even when she is painting herself and the carpet with mascara!

Dear God,
Please be with everyone who is suffering...who has lost their way...who are searching for peace and grace in this crazy world. Help me to remember that every moment we have together is a precious gift.


Snickerdoodle said...


Snick :)

Tishy said...

you hit the nail. There comes a time when certain things have to be let go. Try to seperate the things that must be done from those that would just be nice. You have always been able to give so much of yourself to all of your children at school and while you are there you are still doing that in more ways than you can ever imagine. Just your presence and nature reverberates. It goes without saying that Lilly is your number one priority. People around you just forget that sometimes. We have to remind them. I often say there would have been no way that I could have kept up the pace or taught with the intensity required, if I had young children. By giving her the number one spot along with yourself, others will have more than enough left over. Please learn to say NO, I can't right now and pass the baton. By doing that, you might be able to run two laps next go around. I am so awed by your spirit, grace and mercy. You have always pushed yourself beyond limits because of your caring nature. I think of you often.

Anonymous said...

I love you. JRB

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