Monday, October 13, 2008

Our 2nd Annual Jessamine Jamboree Parade

A couple of weeks ago we went with friends to the Jamboree Parade. We joined Cissie and her family, along with the Brannon family to watch the parade together. There were floats and LOTS of cars with people waiving...and lots of candy! (Lillie said the other day, "More parade mommy...Need more candy in my purse.")

One of Lillie's favorite parts of the day was getting to play with Daphne, Cissie's friend from Haiti. Daphne was one of the interpreters that Cissie and her family got to know this summer while on a mission trip to Northwest Haiti Christian Mission, and now she is now in school here in Kentucky. Lillie loved playing with her braids and even made the comment,"Your eyes like mine!" when she noticed how dark Daphne's eyes were. It was too cute!

1 comment:

Jana said...

I LOVE the new look!! So fresh and fun. I haven't been to the Jessamine Jamboree in years, but I'm so ready to attend a fall festival. Next weekend we have NO soccer games, so Oakley and Sullivan and I are definitely heading to the pumpkin patch. I'm keeping your family in my prayers.


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