Friday, February 09, 2007

DTC...Dossier to China 2/9/2007

My Dossier is off to China! Some of you may wonder, what IS a dossier…well it is a collection of paperwork and information going to the CCAA that tells them EVERYTHING about me.
I have already sent….
LOI (Letter of Intent)
PAPL (Prospective Adoptive Parents Letter)
These forms were sent in September to the CCAA in order to be officially matched with Lillie. These two forms essentially gave the Chinese Government a little information about me and explained what I know about Fu Bao Yun's special need and what I will do for her once she arrives in the US.

The Dossier is SOOOO much more. Here is a list of what I can remember that are included in the Dossier:
1. Home Study completed which included having forms and info including…
• Application letter (notarized, etc.)
• Adoptive parents fact sheet (notarized, etc.)
• Autobiography
• Letter to birth parents
• Guardian Information Sheet
• Medical Information/physical/blood work/TB test (notarized, etc.)
• Explanation of any surgeries I have had and how it will affect my ability to parent (my sinus surgery)
• Explanations of any medications I take and why
• Financial Information Sheet (assets and bills…net worth information) (notarized)

2. 2 criminal records checks – state and federal
3. Records check for child abuse
4. Original Birth Certificate with State Seal
(My birthplace on my BC has changed…crazy huh!)
5. Letter of Employment (notarized)
6. Letter from Bank with balance in checking account
7. Letter from Bank with balance of savings account
8. Letter from bank about any loans I have
9. Certified copy of I 171 H (notarized, etc.)
10. 6 pictures of parent, family, home, etc.
11. 3 letters of reference
12. Single status statement (notarized, etc.)
13. Guardian Statement (notarized, etc.)

Several of the forms that are part of the Home Study are also part of the Dossier. In addition, all of the forms that were notarized also had to be county, state and consulate authenticated. I know I am probably forgetting something, but it at least tells you a little bit about what an exciting thing it is to have this complete and on it’s way!

On a side note…I also have to have parent education and specific parent education that relates to Lillie’s special need. After attending a training tomorrow afternoon, I will have that completed also…at least what is required. There may be more training that I want to attend!

P.S. I wanted to add this picture. I found this in the pictures from the orphanage that parents have taken and sent to a site called image events. I was so excited to find it! It was taken in November!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful feeling to know that the huge amount of paperwork is completed and on its way. One more thing to cross off the list, and one step closer to the time you can leave for China!

Holly A. said...

With every new picture, I just want to pick her up and squeeze her! I know that you are anxious to get to her, as I would be, too. Congrats on sending out your paperwork.....another step closer for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this major milestone! This certainly assures you of an LID way before May. I am sure this is an answered prayer and a great relief! I love the picture. It is so great that you have so many of her already.

Lilypie Date is set Ticker