Monday, July 23, 2007

What are YOU doing at 3 am?

Lillie and I continue to settle in and she is doing well. We are branching out with our food choices, playing lots of games and still loving bath time. We even braved the car seat yesterday and that even went well. What has NOT gone well is adjusting sleep schedules. She will only sleep about 4 hours at night.... leading to a wake up around 1:30- 3:00am, depending on the time she went to sleep. We can go back to sleep in about 5 hours..and she will sleep for 8+ hours if I let her. UGGGHHH! I am so hoping that this will change soon. I guess I may need to just not put her back to sleep and see if that helps. If anyone is up for an early morning adventure...feel free to come for a visit around 2 am! The Wiggles can be very entertaining!


Schlafers said...

Hang in there! I'm sure there's some quality TV on at 3 am...

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart! That lack of sleep can be horrible! Maybe she is just reenacting her infancy so you can share it with her!

I am glad to hear that the other things are beginning to smooth out for you guys. I hope we will be able to meet her this weekend, if she is ready for that.

Maybe you should try not letting her go to bed until midnight or would be worth a shot!

Love to you both,


Tishy said...

I am so sorry! That is without a doubt one of the worst aspects of being a mom...sleep deprevation. That may help just trying to keep her awake longer and not letting her sleep the 8 hours the next round so she is very tired the next night. Or just try to sleep yourself during the time when she is and hope gradually her clock adjusts.

Anonymous said...

Poor Lillie! and Poor Andrea!!!!!!

hopefully, it won't take her too much longer to get her days/nights straightened out...

and I've seen the Wiggles, they are very upbeat! =)

wish I had some magic advice, but Jasper is a very good sleeper!

Love you both.... can't wait to see you =)

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, I love the Wiggles!! Especially the Fruit Salad one :) I feel so sorry for you guys, but at least she's doing well with the other adjustments. It'll work out eventually.
Love you both,

Kelly said...

I can't say that the Wiggles is who I would want to see at 3 AM!! So sorry to hear that she is not adjusting to the time change. Tish is right...sleep deprevation is one of the hardest things about being a mom. I wish I haad some magic cure but I don't. Just let her get lots of sunshine durning the day and try to wear her out! I hope things get better soon.

agray said...

Maybe I'll call you at 3 am when I am up! Our strategy is to try to keep it quiet and dark and get back to sleep ASAP, but I'm thinking that probably won't work for little miss adventure. I agree with the masses... sleep deprivation is the hardest part of being a mom...but even I (the flosser :) have gotten used to I KNOW that you will make it. You could try benedryl....just kidding :)

Anonymous said...

I learned to love Barney, the Wiggles, Elmo, all in the wee hours of the morning. It gets a little worrisome when you start having dreams about them all! So glad you all are home and starting to adjust. Enjoy every minute!

Anonymous said...

Fruit salad....yummy, yummy! That is one of Depp's favorites....maybe they can sing it together this weekend.

Just hang in there, Andrea....that sleep schedule will get better and better. Oh the nights I wondered if I was the only person up at that crazy hour of the night!!

We love you....Holly

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